
The theory of endogenous money is the cornerstone of Post-Keynesian economics, which dates back to the pioneering writings of authors such as J. Robinson, Kaldor and Kalecki. Second generation Post-Keynesians such as Paul Davidson and Basil Moore have clearly drawn the boundaries of Post-Keynesian theory in accordance with Keynes' intellectual legacy and economic thought. Post-Keynesian monetary theory was openly critical of classical economics and also proved to be a constructive attempt to provide an alternative theoretical framework to the unsatisfactory IS/LM model, which assumed an exogenous money supply as well as an endogenous rate of interest.Firstly, we will study the genesis, the epistemology and the recent developments of the endogenous money theory through its opposition to the quantity theory of money, the still prevailing paradigm in contemporary monetary theory. Secondly, we will establish the complete reversal of the quantity theory of money by the endogenous theory of money in the recent history of economic thought. Finally, once this reversal has been established, a Post-Keynesian analysis of credit institutions will help us determine new solutions for economic policy aiming at full employment. Following Keynes' ideas, Post-Keynesians are concerned with the means to reach the full employment objective and therefore with economic policy. Post-Keynesianism is not an esoterical attempt to debate, once more, the ontological nature of money but is rather a practical reflection on the optimal economic policies resting on an in-depth understanding of money and credit.

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