
In today’s interconnected world, the ability to communicate effectively is essential for people in order to express themselves properly and interact successfully in social, academic, and professional contexts. In this article, the function of communicative exercises is examined as a potent tool for enhancing communication abilities. A summary of the several techniques applied in communicative exercises that encourage good communication is provided. It first emphasizes the significance of developing a welcoming and engaging learning environment that promotes learners’ active engagement and collaboration. Students can learn verbal and non-verbal communication skills including active listening, alternation of activities, and interpretation of non-verbal cues by participating in pair or group activities. The article also examines the function of authentic and important tasks in communicative exercises. Students will use their Kazakh language abilities to solve problems and share their viewpoints by imitating real-life situations, which will improve their communicative competency. The article also focuses on how technology can be incorporated into communicative activities and emphasizes the advantages of integrating multimedia materials, online platforms, and virtual communication tools. With the help of these technological developments, students can collaborate remotely, engage in cross-cultural interactions, and improve their digital literacy. In conclusion, this article rests on the value of including communicative activities into the study of the Kazakh language as a useful way to enhance communication abilities. Teachers can enable students to become confident communicators who can deal with the challenges of communication in a variety of contexts by using a targeted strategy, authentic assignments, and technology. Key words: communicative exercises, communication skill, supportive learning environment, authentic tasks, technology integration.

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