
Management is very important for every person, society. With the help of management Qualifications we can achieve the goal of economic development. The role of business management education is very important in various ways. We can make planning with the Tool of master, increment, Capital budget. With the practice business management. With the help of practice of business management Qualification we can scan the idea easily and development of product according to need of time period. With the help of best practice of business management qualification we can run every system effectively, which is introduced in market for the innovation and development. We can analyze the strength and weakness. Business management help how We can analyze the market situation, because the best practice of business management. Good decision-making is also part of business management. We can adopt good alternatives during business decision. Because of practice management qualification we can design the best organizational structure and set up and matrix. During the practice of business management qualifications We can control our mistake and maintain and stander of quality control. Good economic policis can give the good prosperous future. When one country not avhieved the goal of economic development such countries face disaster in every sector, as a consequence whole nation wil face l economic and political unrest. In the light of all arguments we can say prosperous economic future is only only possible with economic growth and Devlopment.


  • Historical PerspectiveBusiness management is the integral part of our corporate world

  • Management is very important for every person, society

  • With the help of practice of business management we can scan the idea and development of product according to need of time period

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Historical Perspective

Business management is the integral part of our corporate world. In the early age man doing the business for earning and necessity. In eighteen century many business institutes -came in being. In 1819 the first business came in to being in France. The Harvard university established started master’s program and establish research center regarding the Business management studies in1908. With the help of practice of business management we can scan the idea and development of product according to need of time period. With the best practice of business management we can run every system effectively which is introduced in market for the innovation and development such as ERPS [1,2,3,4,5]

Practical Approach
Education Perspective
With General Perspective
Global Perspective
Economic Perspective
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