
According to the historian, Banu Makhzum was a major tribe of Quraysh. It clan was famous for due to its distinguished chief of Al-Mughira Ibn-Abd-Allah, Ibn-Umar. He was finest and prominentfiguar of Banu Makhzum in Mecca in the 6th century. It Tribeca was wealthy, affluence and powerful in Quraysh. They were considered to be as among the three most important and influential family in Mecca before the advent of Islam, the other two were Banu Hashim and Banu Umayya.When Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) started Preaching of Islam, Banu Makhzum were the formost opponents of Islamic movement. Their Powrful chieftains Abu Jahl whose real name was Amr-Ibn-Hisham and Al Walid Ibn Al-Mughirah became very cruel, ruthless, savage, inhuman and brutal to eliminate and eradicate activities of Islam. There two prominent figures tried their best to halting religious activities and preaching oneness of Allah Almighty. Which was paid of by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and beloved, pious, God-fearing and dedicated comparnions of Rasoolullah (ﷺ) but failed very badly. There well-Knoweeh powerful commanders of Banu Makhzum led meccan opposition and organized a boycott of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) clan, the Banu hashim. But it was the will of Allah Almighty, The Holy Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) established the first formal Islamic institution of education in the house ofHazratArqam Bin Abi Al-Araram(رضی اللہ عنہ) who was a member of Makhzumian family. This remarkable and marveluous house was situated in the Cap of Mountain ‘Safa’ in Makkah. In this first Islamic university, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) prepared, intellectual, spiritual, religious, commanders, and leaders of Islam for the future.Therefore, we can say that Mercy of Allah Almighty. Therefore, we can say that Mercy of Allah Almighty many people of Banu Makhzum not only accepted teachings of Islam but also played a vital role in the priod of Prophethood. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) appointed some Makhzumian as his assistant, Commander, deliberations, Ambassadors, and the Scribers.

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