
The symbol of the second decade of the 21st century is the renaissance of artificial intelligence technologies. Today, the consequences of introducing such systems are still not fully understood (especially when the results prepared by the neural network are completely incomprehensible to humans, unlike the results of the logical conclusion of an expert system) in the informational and technological processes of modern society, but the question already concerns such issues as the ethics of machine intelligence, about a person’s readiness to transfer the right to make decisions to artificial intelligence instead of himself. The object of the paper is to study strategic documents that determine the prospects for the development of artificial intelligence technologies, primarily in the largest economies of the world to determine the contours of global socio-economic and technological development. In the framework of the system-structural and institutional approaches, a comparative and conceptual analysis of the strategies of the leading countries in process of development of artificial intelligence was carried out. The mechanisms for implementing the strategic priorities of the most advanced countries are identified and described. Authors noted the intensification of international competition in the field of development and implementation of artificial intelligence technology and, accordingly, the transformation of complex security threats.

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