
Alexander the Great is known as a great figure in human history, not only his military hallmark but also his role in the East-West cultural exchange process. Through the Eastern conquest that lasts from 336 to 323 BC, Alexander spread the Greco-Macedonia (Western) culture and received the Persian, Indian, and Egyptian… (Eastern) culture from the point of view of respecting the difference with many lively forms of cultural reception and acculturation. Alexander the Great opened the Hellenization period from the 4th to the 1st centuries BC, which is a period of vibrant cultural exchange and acculturation between the East and the West on a large scale and the most powerful level that has never happened before. Those traces are still evident nowadays. Therefore, the study of the role of Alexander the Great in the East-West cultural exchange plays an important role as the basis for providing more valuable material sources for historical research from many perspectives, as well as being aware of the need to learn, exchange, respect and penetrate each other in the context of globalization today.

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