
The use of probiotic feed additives is known in animal science and practice; they are an alternative way to replace antibiotics in animal husbandry. The use of probiotic drugs signifi cantly increases the natural resistance of the animal body, maintains a high level of immune status and reduces the risk of infectious diseases in cattle and farm animals in general. The purpose of the research was to study the eff ect of feeding a universal microbiological ferment with probiotic action Biolax-U in the diets of calves during the preweaning period in combination with a hygienic bedding desiccant Drytall Fresh. In order to conduct the research 2 groups (control and experimental) of clinically healthy calves of Black-and-White breed in the preweaning period per 15 heads in each were formed by the method of analogues, taking into account age, live weight and breed. Calves of the compared groups received milk and basic feed according to the calf feeding scheme used on the farm. At the same time, the calves of the experimental group additionally received the universal microbiological ferment with probiotic action Biolax-U per 10 ml each morning and evening feeding, i.e. in two steps. The use of Biolax-U ferment had the positive eff ect on improving the morphological composition and biochemical parameters of blood. A comparative blood test after 90 days of feeding calves in the experimental group with the probiotic ferment culture Biolax-U revealed the increase in the concentration of erythrocytes by 12,20 %, hemoglobin by 10,58 % compared to the beginning of the experiment, and by 7,26 and 11,02 %, respectively, compared to animals in the control group. It has been established that the use of the Biolax-U ferment in the diet of calves during the preweaning period in combination with the hygienic bedding desiccant Drytall Fresh enhanced redox processes in the body of calves, stimulated erythropoiesis, improved oxygen supply to tissues and organs, increased the intensity of protein metabolism and protective functions body.

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