
Shallots (Allium cepa L.) are one of the spice commodities or including cooking spices, which is one of the agricultural commodities included in the horticulture crop group, namely the vegetable group. Shallots have many benefits apart from being a kitchen spice as well as a medicine (herbal). The purpose of the study was to analyze the role and position of each actor directly involved in the development of shallots in North Toraja Regency. The research method carried out is a quantitative method, with a type of survey research. The study was conducted from August to September 2022, in North Toraja Regency. The types of data used in the study are primary data and secondary data. The primary data collection method is carried out by a survey method with a questionnaire tool that contains questions with a number of answer choices. Meanwhile, secondary data is obtained through desk study. The data analysis method used in this study is ISM (interpretive structural modeling) analysis. The results of the study obtained that the main actor in the development of shallots in North Toraja Regency is the Agriculture Office of North Toraja Regency. The position of each actor is different, and is divided into three groups, namely; Quadrant 2 (Ministry of Agriculture - A1), Quadrant 3, including; South Sulawesi Provincial Bappeda (A3), North Toraja Regency Bappeda (A5), Entrepreneurs/Private Companies (A6), Farmers (A7), and Universities (A8), and quadrant 4, namely; The Agriculture Office of South Sulawesi Province (A2) and the Agriculture Office of North Toraja Regency (A4).

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