
This research discusses the role of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) in facing the challenges of digitization of broadcast media in Indonesia. KPI has the authority to make broadcast program standards and broadcasting code of conduct and supervise their implementation, including sanctioning violations. In the context of media digitization, KPI's role is crucial in ensuring that television shows do not only display the culture of consumerism, but also provide educational content that is beneficial to society. However, the implementation of digitalization does not come without obstacles. One of them is the readiness of the majority of television viewers who still use analog devices. In addition, there are technical obstacles such as broadcast interruptions and the need for special skills in operating digital devices. Nonetheless, digitization of broadcast media has many advantages, such as efficient use of frequencies and improved picture and sound quality. In facing these challenges, a joint effort is needed between KPI, broadcasters, and the public. KPI needs to continue developing appropriate regulations to support responsible and ethical digitization. In addition, broadcasters must improve their shows to not only follow the trend of consumerism, but also provide content that educates and benefits. Improving human resources in operating digital technology is also important. This research underscores the importance of KPI's role in guiding the transformation of broadcast media into the digital era, while still ensuring that the content presented is useful and in accordance with the values upheld by Indonesian society.

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