
“The Rodina” is the story of a woman agricultural worker whom I came to know while doing Ph.D. research from 1988 to 1991 on patterns of migration to a Mexicali squatter settlement. The incidents in her life, as recorded in the story, are those which she reported to me when I interviewed her in Colonia Popular, Mexicali, or which were revealed in subsequent conversations with her. “Lilia” (apseudonym) invited me to Salinas while she was cutting lettuce there, and took me to Watsonville to show me where she had previously lived, before and after meeting her current husband. I worked with her and others who appear in the story in the lettuce fields in the Salinas region for five days. All incidents in the story I witnessed first hand, or Lilia told me about; all the people in the story are real people. There are no composite characters.

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