Superconducting quantum computing is a solid state quantum computing technology based on Josephson junction circuits. It becomes one of the most promising candidates for realizing practical quantum computer/simulator, because of its scalability, easy to coupling and control, compatibility to semiconductor technologies, etc. As the complicated electromagnetic environment in solid state metal and insulator, superconducting quantum bits (qubits) suffered from shot coherence time since its early development. In this review, we described some recently developed superconducting qubit structures, including Transmon/Xmon, Fluxonium and C-shunt flux qubit. Although these new qubit structures have very different circuit parameters and energy scales, they all find their way to effectively suppress environmental noises. As a result, their coherence time were improved significantly. Transmon, a transmission-line shunted plasma oscillation qubit, was now among the most popular structures for building a multi-qubit superconducting quantum circuit. It introduced a relatively large shunt capacitor to remarkably reduce the charge dispersion. Although the non-linearity is also decreased, by operating in a properly chosen E J / E c , transmon can greatly reduce the charge noise while only sacrificing a small amount of non-linearity. Xmon can be considered as a modified version of transmon. It is designed and optimized for multi-qubit operation and measurement with separate X / Y and Z control lines for each qubit, and a readout bus (a transmission line or a low- Q bandpass filter) for simultaneous readout of all the qubits. Fluxonium provide another solution for suppressing the charge noise in Cooper-pair box (CPB). It introduces a large shunt inductance to filter low-frequency offset charge in the small capacitor of the phase-slip junction (the small junction). To keep the qubit operating in the charge region, the shunt inductor should be large enough to keep the impedance larger than the superconducting impedance quantum R Q ~1 kΩ. As a result, the inductance can only be provided by a large series of Josephson junctions. Fluxonium keeps the advantage of high anharmonicity of CPB. In addition, it introduces another degree of freedom: external flux Φext. Quasiparticles (electrons or holes) tunneling at the small junction add coherently to produce a ″1+cos φ ″ term. As a result, when Φext= Φ0/2, dissipation caused by quasiparticle tunneling is suppressed and the energy relaxation time ( T 1) increases drastically. C-shunt flux qubit (CSFQ) decreases α and E J to suppress flux noise in the qubit. While the charge noise becomes the dominant noise source, a large shunt capacitor is added to suppress the charge noise, similar to that in a transmon qubit. It is worth to notice that in CSFQ, the α decreases to below but near 1/2. As a result, the double-well potential no longer exists. The energy structure become similar to transmon, with the anharmonicity be opposite. CSFQ can get a much improved coherence time, while its anharmonicity can be larger than that of transmon. Those new superconducting qubit structures provide different solutions to improve the coherence time. Although it looks much different in circuit models and parameters, they have ideas in common, and may act as guides to other novel designs with longer coherence time. We can summarize as below. (1) The qubit circuit should be free of small superconducting islands. Charge fluctuation in small islands is a major source of decoherence. As a result, increase the area of the islands, that is, increase the capacitance becomes a straight forward way to suppress the charge noise. In Fluxonium, the small junction is connected with a large series of large junctions that there is also no small islands in the whole loop. (2) Remove superconducting loops in the qubit circuit, or minimize the loop size and loop current to suppress flux noise. (3) Bias the phase difference of the small junction to π, where dissipation caused by quasiparticle tunneling can be suppressed coherently. (4) Decrease the coupling bandwidth of qubit to the environment. In a circuit-QED readout scheme, a high- Q readout resonator that dispersively coupled to the qubit protects the qubit from exposed to the electromagnetic environment of the readout circuit. A ″Purcell filter″ can also be added to suppress such decoherence further. In conclusion, we overviewed some qubit engineering techniques or ideas to improve the coherence time, which is a very important figure for building practical quantum computer/simulator. We hope that someone can combine and optimize these ideas, while interact with developments in materials and micro-fabrication technologies, to develop novel new generation superconducting qubit structures in the near future.
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