
After his return to power in 1924, the problems of the weak Albanian economy made Ahmet Zogu seek quick solutions to stabilize both the state and his regime. Albania started welcoming foreign financial capitals to solve its economic problems, which were also political. Meanwhile, the longtime competitors, Italy and Great Britain, through their powerful companies, tried to invest in strategic sectors of the Albanian economy. In this way, big international companies, such as the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, the Standard Oil Company, the powerful Italian company “Ferrovie dello Stato Italiano”, “Le Syndicat Franco-Albanais” representing the French capital etc., emerged in Albania. This created a political scene charged with tensions and ongoing negotiations between all the affected actors, including the Albanian state. In 1925, the aftermath of the international diplomatic efforts put under the spotlight the two main rivals for prevalence in Albania, Italy and Great Britain. While the first was directly and vitally concerned about Albania and the Balkans, the second was merely interested in the stability of the region. Speaking of Albania’s interests, in the achieved agreements with the different foreign companies, there were indeed a series of articles that were disadvantageous for the state and its economy. However, Ahmet Zogu made an utmost effort to play a significant role, above the real possibilities Albania had at that time.

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