
Aim. To determine the potential risk factors associated with the critical quality indicators of the combined medicine “Neuronucleos” in the capsule dosage form for the treatment of polyneuropathies using the general risk assessment methodology while planning the drug quality at the stage of pharmaceutical development (PD). Materials and methods. The series of the combined medicine “Neuronucleos” in the capsule dosage form, critical indicators of the drug quality, the flowchart of the drug production, critical control points of the drug manufacturing process were developed. The method of causality was used. The quantitative assessment of risk factors was carriedout using the FMECA methodology. Results and discussion. The main objective of this study was to apply the Quality-by-Design (QbD) approach to PD of the combined medicine in the capsule dosage form based on uridine-5 monophosphate disodium salt (UMP), cytidine-5-monophosphate disodium salt (CMF), vitamin B6, thioctic acid and magnesium lactate dihydrate. For better patient compliance and the product quality, a target quality profile as a base for PD planning, as well as critical quality attributes (CQA) related to the product safety and efficacy were determined. The criticality of each CQA was assessed using a special scale. It was shown that “Quantitative content”, “Uniformity of dosage units”, “Dissolution”, “Impurities” were defined as the most CQA due to the minimum amount of UMF and CMF in the capsule and the possibility of their decomposition and increase in the quantity of impurities. The critical attributes of materials (CMA) were identified, and the characteristics required to control them were determined in order to ensure the expected product quality. The primary assessment of the quality indicator risks of the active ingredients was performed. It was found that the particle size affected the homogeneity, the quantitative content of API and dissolution in FPP, and it was shown that the solubility of active substances had a high risk when performing the “Dissolution” test. To determine the potential factors with a significant impact on the drug quality the maximum number of factors was found, and the Ishikawa diagram was constructed. The risk factors associated with the quality and compatibility of active substances and excipients, the quality of primary packaging, production conditions, the drug quality control and the technological process were identified. These factors are the causes of risk and can lead to a situation with negative consequences for the quality of a medicinal product. The FMECA process assessment allowed us to determine the impact of the manufacturing process on the CQA. Conclusions. At the stage of PD for the combined medicine in the capsule dosage form the potential critical indicators of the drug quality have been determined. The critical parameters of the quality of the initial components and the properties of the product have been assessed; the most probable risks for the drug quality have been identified, analyzed and assessed. Further research is advisable to focus on studying the effect of process parameters on critical parameters of the product quality and assessing risks for quality and creating a validation plan and its implementation.


  • The main objective of this study was to apply the Quality-by-Design (QbD) approach to pharmaceutical development (PD) of the combined medicine in the capsule dosage form based on uridine-5-monophosphate disodium salt (UMP), cytidine-5-monophosphate disodium salt (CMF), vitamin B6, thioctic acid and magnesium lactate dihydrate

  • The critical attributes of materials (CMA) were identified, and the characteristics required to control them were determined in order to ensure the expected product quality

  • The FMECA process assessment allowed us to determine the impact of the manufacturing process on the critical quality attributes (CQA)

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Для кращої комплаєнтності пацієнтів та якості продукції було визначено цільовий профіль якості, який постає основою планування ФР, і критичні показники якості ЛЗ (CQAs), пов’язані з безпекою і ефективністю продукції. Що через мінімальну кількість УМФ і ЦМФ в капсулі можливість їх розкладання та зростання домішок показники «Кількісний вміст», «Однорідність дозованих одиниць», «Розчинення», «Сторонні домішки» визначають як власне CQA. Визначено критичні показники якості матеріалів (СМАs) і наведено характеристики, необхідні для їх контролю, щоб гарантувати отримання очікуваної якості продукту. Проведено первинне оцінювання ризиків показників якості субстанцій діючих речовин. Пов’язані з якістю і сумісністю діючих речовин, діючих і допоміжних речовин та якістю первинного паковання, умовами виробництва, контролем якості препарату, технологічним процесом. На етапі ФР комбінованого ЛП у формі капсул визначено потенційні критичні показники якості препарату й оцінено критичні параметри якості вихідних компонентів і властивостей продукту, ідентифіковано, проаналізовано та оцінено найбільш імовірні ризики для якості препарату. The risk assessment of the combined medicine in the capsule dosage form at the pharmaceutical development stage

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