
ABSTRACT This article attempts to address one of the most important challenges faced during the history of Iran, namely Afghans’ invasion to Isfahan and the abrupt fall of the Safavid dynasty, by collecting new data and relying on the regional study method. The current paper studies the role of a group of Sunnat wal Jamaat immigrants who migrated to the central places of Iran, namely the Sunnat wal jamaat who went from Mosul to the city of Dargazin in the province of Hamedan on behalf of Shah Abbas I. The present study researchers found that although Shah Abbas’s accomplishment in moving the nomads (Eilat) to different areas was a very intelligent consideration, this was considered a secure work only during the days of his authoritative dynasty, and after him, during the days of his successors with the shrinking of the Safavid government, it was changed to a major problem for the government. Moreover, unsatisfied Sunnat wal Jamaat either joined the Ottomans or the other opponents of the Safavid dynasty when the Afghans invaded Iran and played a role as leading troops in the conquest of the Iranian territory.

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