
The human right to privacy was first proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Today, the right to privacy is enshrined in many constitutions of democratic countries. In the con­ditions of globalization processes of technological progress, digitization, and the Internet, the right to privacy attracts more and more attention of sci­entists, since the information environment causes threats to a person's private life without his knowl­edge. The article focuses on the right to privacy in the context of information globalization. Situations of violation of the right to privacy are analyzed. Attention is focused on existing threats to infor­mation privacy, which are the most common now­adays. The reasons for a possible interference in the information privacy of a person have been es­tablished. The expediency of certain limitations of the right to privacy is determined and the reasons for such necessity are given. Attention is drawn to the fact that the personal information protection mechanism needs constant improvement, as new trends and aspects of its protection appear every year. The norms of international documents that regulate the specified issues have been analyzed. Taking into account the normative legal acts, the practical state of the realization of the right to pri­vacy in the conditions of modern information tech­nologies in Ukraine has been investigated. A num­ber of criteria have been singled out for restrictions on the disclosure of information that falls under the sphere of a person's private life. With the advent of computers, the advent of the Internet and the spread of automated processing of personal in­formation, the right to privacy acquires additional meaning. In view of the modern development of electronic technologies, the prevalence of subjects whose main activity is the collection, storage and use of personal data of users for the purpose of advertising or forming public opinions, the question of the value of private life and the protection of this right by Internet users is relevant.

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