
Purpose. Clarify the size and direction of cutting the soil, taking into account the influence of the coordinates of the instantaneous center of the disk on the rotation of its diameter at the time of its location in a vertical position. Methods. Using the provisions of physics, theoretical mechanics and resistance of materials. Results. The influence of the coordinates of the location of the instantaneous center of the disk on the angle of cutting of the soil by the points of the blade of the disk and the vectors of their trajectory in the soil medium is established, which makes it possible to more accurately determine the value of the angle of cutting of the soil depending on the parameters and operating modes of the spherical disk working body, and its smallest possible value was used in as an evaluation criterion in the selection and justification of rational parameters and operating modes of disk harrows. It has been established that the cutting angle γcut increases with decreasing angle of inclination of the disk β and an increase in the angle of attack α'. Conclusions 1. The direction of movement of the points of the blade of the disk in the soil medium is clarified due to the rotation of the diameter of the disk at the moment of its vertical location under the influence of the coordinates of the instant center, this is confirmed by the profile of the formation of the bottom of the furrow with a notched disk of the working body. 2. A refined dependence is obtained for determining the angle of soil cutting by the points of the blade of a spherical disk working body, which combines all its parameters and the smallest possible value of the angle of soil cutting, and the expediency of its use in the selection and justification of rational parameters of the working bodies of the disk harrow. Keywords: soil, soil environment, the spherical disc working body, the points of the blade of the disk, the speed of movement of points of the blade of the disk, the cutting angle of the soil, the angle of attack, the angle of inclination of the disk to the vertical.

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