
The solar radiation influence on permafrost soil in the construction site is researched. This article is part of the author’s dissertation research. The work is carried out taking into account uneven insolation. The research conducts research in the field of temperature at the construction site, where there are iron and reinforced concrete culverts. The research of the temperature regime of permafrost soil performed in the FEM Models software packages by the Termoground module. In accordance with technical recommendations, the starting month for calculating permafrost is October. The period of drainage of thawed snow and rainwater is April – September. Thermophysical calculations of the base of the railway embankment, oriented on different sides of the world, have been performed. Changes in the temperature regime of the permafrost soil base in the construction site were researched. The calculation results showed uneven heating of the soil from the sunnier side in the embankment without the installation of a culvert with heads. There is an increase in the temperature of frozen soil from the warmer side, thawing bowls are formed. A numerical experiment shows the effectiveness of accounting for uneven insolation in the calculations at the design stage of construction projects.


  • The research of the temperature regime of permafrost soil performed in the FEM Models software packages by the Termoground module

  • Changes in the temperature regime of the permafrost soil base in the construction site were researched

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Исследование влияния солнечной инсоляции на вечномерзлом основании водопропускных труб железнодорожных насыпей // Интернет-журнал «Транспортные сооружения», 2020 No2, https://t-s.today/PDF/15SATS220.pdf (доступ свободный). The research of solar insolation influence on the permafrost base of railway. ФГБОУ ВО «Дальневосточный государственный университет путей сообщения», Хабаровск, Россия Заведующий кафедрой «Мосты, тоннели и подземные сооружения» Доктор технических наук, доцент E-mail: Olgakudr56@mail.ru РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?id=614674 Автором проведены исследования температурного режима мерзлого основания на территории строительства железнодорожного пути с устройством в теле насыпи железобетонных водопропускных труб в зависимости от ориентации железнодорожного пути по сторонам света.

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