
The aim of this article is to study a scientific and theoretical base and conduct systematic research work designed to highlight the issue of archaic syncretism, national philosophy, as well as the ancient cultural artifacts, vocabulary, the sense of rhythm of the sign language, reflected in folklore dance. The objective of the paper is the scientific substantiation of the issue of research and methodology of preservation of choreographic folklore of Ukraine.Research methodology is based on the application of historical, culturological, art and biographical approaches as well as complex use of methods of analysis, synthesis and generalization that enabled to analyze and substantiate the necessity and the ways of preservation of folk choreographic heritage of Ukraine.Results. The author describes the activities of leading art critics, folklorists, choreographers who have made a significant contribution to the preservation of choreographic folklore of Ukraine. The special considerations relating to the specificity of the methodology of studying Ukrainian folklore dance are determined. The research methods and methodology of recording folklore in the field are defined. The conducted research makes it possible to argue that the cultural and ethnic image of modern Ukraine is characterized by the great diversity due to its large territory, natural, geographical, socio-cultural and other differences. Today it is especially important to differentiate the dance culture. This is due to the fact that each region of this country in its own way is very original and interesting, including in terms of choreography. Thus, the comprehension of national folklore in the historical dynamics and its embodiment in the choreographic art in the context of regional culture is an urgent task of the present time.Novelty consists in expanding the scientific knowledge in the context of developing and improving the methodology of studying Ukrainian folklore.The practical significance of this study is in the use of its materials as a guide for teaching the choreographic folklore of Ukraine in the field.

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