This study presents data on the reproductive characteristics of Nerium oleander, an evergreen, sclerophyllous shrub inhabiting the banks of temporary streams in all countries around the Mediterranean seaboard. Two southern Spanish populations (El Garrobo and Grazalema) were selected to investigate flowering, dispersal and seed germination phenologies, together with morphological and functional traits of flowers, fruits and seeds. Observations on pollinator visitation, fruit set, and seedling survival were also carried out. Plants produce massive flower displays of showy, tubular flowers void of nectar that rely on insect cheating for pollination. Hand-pollinations and seed germination tests demonstrated full self-compatibility. Automatic selfing is prevented by spatial separation of stigma and anthers, and pollinators are thus necessary for reproduction. Low pollinator visitation rates are the rule, as indicated by the fact that observations spread over 2 years yielded only eight insect records. Percentage fruit set of open-pollinated flowers was found to be extremely low (0.1–4.9%), while hand-pollination increased fruiting levels to 34–50%. Direct and indirect evidence point to consistently pollen-limited reproduction in this species. If a large number of flowers within any inflorescence are pollinated artificially, however, resource limitations operate and pods from ovaries pollinated late in the season are aborted. On average, the maximum of ovaries developing into fruit within any inflorescence is 4. It is suggested that, in this nectarless species, about 80% of total are ‘excess’ flowers which contribute to increase pollinator attraction. Nerium oleander pollen is aggregated into a sticky substance, which allows the fertilization of many ovules after a single, probably rare, pollination event. Fruits are many seeded follicles (181 seeds per fruit on average), so that individual plants often liberate thousands of seeds in spite of the low percent fruit set. The hairy, water-dispersed seeds are released during the rainiest season in the year, and germination follows rapidly. All seedlings tracked died before completing 1 year of life, mostly because of desiccation during the first summer drought. Pollination by deceit in this Mediterranean species is discussed in terms of phylogenetic constraints within the mainly tropical family Apocynaceae.
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