
This study aims: (1) to find Islamic values ​​contained in the novel "Pudarnya Pesona Cleopatra" by Habibburrahman El Shirazy; and (2) describe the form of representation of Islamic values ​​contained in the novel "The Faded of Cleopatra’s Enchantment" by Habibburrahman El Shirazy. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The data are in the form of words and phrases contained in the "The Faded of Cleopatra’s Enchantment" by Habibburrahman El Shirazy which reveals information about Islamic values ​​that come from the Al Qur’an and Hadith. Based on the results of the analysis that has been done, it can be concluded that the Islamic values ​​contained in the novel 'Faded Pesona Cleopatra' include the values ​​of Akidah, Sharia, and morals. These values ​​are represented in the story in the form of faith in Allah; Faith in the Bible (Al Qur’an) for the value of faith. Sharia values ​​are represented in the form of sunnah fasting; propose (khitbah); wedding; while moral values ​​are represented in the form of personal morals, namely the nature of patience; as well as character in the family which includes obedience and filial piety to parents; pious and obedient to her husband; as well as connecting kinship/friendship ties.

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