
It is important to accurately locate the wave breaking region for the calculation of nearshore hydrodynamics. Energy from breaking waves drives hydrodynamic phenomena such as wave set-up, set-down, wave run-up, longshore currents, rip currents, and nearshore circulation. Numerous studies have been undertaken to describe when and where wave breakings occurs. Recent development of computer resources permits the use of phase-resolving numerical models for the study of wave propagation, transformation, and nearshore hydrodynamics. This requires new types of wave breaking criteria for the numerical model. The Relative Trough Froude Number (RTFN) is a new wave breaking criterion. This model is based on the moving hydraulic jump concept, therefore it satisfies properly posed boundary-value conditions. It has been experimentally proved that a critical RTFN at the initiation of wave breaking is consistent with and without the presence of an opposing current, but previous efforts did not investigate the theory for the critical value. This paper provides a theoretical analysis and a numerical analysis to demonstrate why the RTFN theory works as a wave breaking initiation (trigger) index. The theoretical analysis provides a universal constant for the initiation of wave breaking for all water depths assuming the Miche formula properly describes the wave breaking condition. A subroutine for wave breaking in a numerical model, FUNWAVE was modified to include the RTFN trigger. The numerical model was calibrated with data from wave tank experiments, and it was found that the critical condition is very close to the theoretical number, CTFN = 1.45. A second paper (in preparation) provides details of the theory and experiments for a second criterion for termination of wave breaking. The time scale for the establishment of the breaking region i.e., between the initiation position and termination position, depends upon the additional momentum present under turbulent condition within the breaking wave. This subject is not considered herein.

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