
This study aims to analyze relationships leadership transformational, work climate and discipline towards the professionalism of SMAN teachers in Banjarmasin city. This research is a correlational study with a quantitative approach. The population of this study was 47 4 senior high school teachers in the city of Banjarmasin with PNS status spread over 13 schools. The sample technique used is Proportional Random sampling as many as 160 people. Analysis of the research data using descriptive statistics with path analysis. Data collection is done by using the instrument. Research data were analyzed using path analysis to see direct and indirect relationships between variables, by first carrying out the normality test, homoscedasticity test, multicollinearity test and correlation test. The results of the study show that there is a relationship between transformational leadership has a direct and significant relationship to variables teacher professionalism. Work climate directly and significantly related to variables teacher professionalism. Discipline directly and significantly related to variables teacher professionalism. Transformational leadership has a direct and significant relationship to the work climate variable. Transformational leadership is directly related and significant to variables work discipline. The indirect relationship through the work climate is smaller than the value of the direct influence of transformational leadership on the professionalism of public high school teachers in the city of Banjarmasin. the indirect relationship through work discipline is greater than the value of the direct influence of transformational leadership on the professionalism of public high school teachers in the city of banjarmasin

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