
This paper examines the problem of the relationship between the quality of GPs training and the content of educational programs in the context of a new structure of professional education. The authors have identified legislative provisions governing changes in the foundations for the development of Federal state educational standards for higher education (the level of highly qualified personnel training in clinical studies). They have also determined regulatory requirements for the structure of clinical studies program, the level of training of GPs and the conditions for implementing the program. The paper presents guidelines for professional competencies identification as a result of GPs training. The composition and structure of GP professional competence has been determined. The comparative characteristics of professional competencies and labor functions have been presented. The authors have presented the assessment results of the quality of the content of GPs training programs carried out by the experts of Medical Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine of the Ministry of Health of Russia as well as scientific and pedagogical workers of therapeutic departments of 24 medical universities of the Ministry of Health of Russia. The study has shown that in modern conditions the content of GPs training requires updating, since the quality of specialists training is determined by their ability to solve professional problems using knowledge that provides the development of skills for GP labor functions performing. The obtained materials can serve as a basis for further monitoring of the quality of specialists training.

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