Environmental factors are the biggest determinant of the incidence of Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (URI). Physical parameters of a house that do not meet the requirements increase the risk of Upper Respiratory Tract Infection, especially in children under five. This study aims to analyze the physical parameters of air quality (temperature, lighting, humidity, and ventilation) in the house with the incidence of Upper Respiratory Tract Infection in infants in the Regional Technical Implementation Unit of North Pontianak Public Health Center in 2018. The method used is analytic observation using the Cross-Sectional approach. The population in this study was 2884 children under five with a sample of 93 children under five. The analysis was performed with the Chi-Square test with a 95% confidence level. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between temperature and the incidence of URIs (p-value = 0.002 OR values = 6.648), humidity with URI events (p-value 0.035 OR values = 3.625), lighting with URI events (p-value = 0,000 OR value = 15.037), and there is no significant relationship between ventilation and the incidence of URI (p-value 0.383 OR value = 2.112).
Environmental factors are the biggest determinant of the incidence of Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (URI)
This study aims to analyze the physical parameters of air quality in the house with the incidence of Upper Respiratory Tract Infection in infants in Regional Technical Implementation Unit of North Pontianak Public Health Center in 2018
The results showed that there was a significant relationship between temperature and the incidence of URIs (p-value = 0.002 OR values = 6.648), humidity with URI events (p-value 0.035 OR values = 3.625), lighting with URI events (p-value = 0,000 OR value = 15.037), and there is no significant relationship between ventilation and the incidence of URI (p-value 0.383 OR value = 2.112)
Hubungan Antara Suhu Dengan Kejadian ISPA di Wilayah Kerja UPTD Puskesmas. Berdasarkan tabel 1 diketahui bahwa kamar balita pada rumah yang suhunya tidak memenuhi syarat dengan kejadian ISPA ternyata dari 93 responden yang suhu tidak memenuhi syarat sebanyak 9 responden (45%) mengalami kejadian ISPA, sedangkan suhu yang memenuhi syarat terdapat 8 responden (11%) yang mengalami kejadian ISPA. Dari hasil uji statistik bivariat dengan uji chi- square pada tingkat kepercayaan 95 % (α = 0,05) diperoleh p-value (0,002) < 0,05, sehingga Ha diterima yang berarti ada hubungan yang bermakna antara suhu dengan kejadian ISPA di wilayah kerja UPTD Puskesmas Kecamatan Pontianak Utara 2018. Nilai OR = 6,648 yang berarti responden yang memiliki suhu tidak memenuhi syarat mempunyai resiko 6,648 kali lebih besar dibandingkan dengan responden yang memiliki suhu memenuhi syarat
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