Vaginal discharge is a sign of disturbance to the body, can be fisiological and pathological. One of factor is personal hygiene. Vaginal discharge incidence in psychology students at Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo higher (80%) than in Sidoarjo at 40%. This research is for determining the relationship between personal hygiene behavior with vaginal discharge. Designed used analytical with cross sectional approach. The instrument is questionnaire. Sampels are 23 in simple random sampling from 30 population. The result showed fisiological vaginal discharge more happens to good personal hygiene than not good. Test result P=0,026 < α(0,05), Ho is rejected. Conclusion there is a relationship between personal hygiene behavior with vaginal discharge. Vaginal discharge is a sign of disturbance to the body, can be fisiological and pathological. One of factor is personal hygiene. Vaginal discharge incidence in psychology students at Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo higher (80%) than in Sidoarjo at 40%. This research is for determining the relationship between personal hygiene behavior with vaginal discharge. Designed used analytical with cross sectional approach. The instrument is questionnaire. Sampels are 23 in simple random sampling from 30 population. The result showed fisiological vaginal discharge more happens to good personal hygiene than not good. Test result P=0,026 < α(0,05), Ho is rejected. Conclusion there is a relationship between personal hygiene behavior with vaginal discharge.
Masa remaja merupakan masa peralihan atau masa pubertas yang berarti masa antara masa anakanak dan dewasa dimana berfungsinya organ ovarium adalah awal dari masa remaja dan diakhiri ketika ovarium sudah berfungsi dengan teratur
Vaginal discharge is a sign of disturbance to the body
This research is for determining the relationship between personal hygiene behavior with vaginal discharge
The Relationship between Personal Hygiene Behavior with Vaginal Discharge in Young Women. Program Studi DIII Kebidanan Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo. Citation : Amalia Arizki (2021) Hubungan Perilaku Personal Hygiene dengan Kejadian. ABSTRAK Keputihan merupakan tanda adanya gangguan pada tubuh, bisa fisiologis dan patologis, salah satu yang menyebabkan personal hygiene. Kejadian keputihan mahasiswi Psikologi UMSIDA lebih tinggi (80%) dibandingkan di Sidoarjo yaitu 40%. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui hubungan perilaku personal hygiene dengan kejadian keputihan. Desain penelitian analitik menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Hasil menunjukkan kejadian keputihan fisiologis lebih banyak pada personal hygiene baik (86,27%) daripada kurang baik (37,5%), dan sebaliknya. Hasil uji eksak fisher didapatkan P=0.026 < α 0.05, maka Ho ditolak. Simpulan ada hubungan perilaku personal hygiene dengan kejadian keputihan. Kata kunci : Perilaku Personal Hygiene, Keputihan
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