
Human capital is a very valuable resource within any organization. Employee behavior is influenced by several factors. Two of these are motivation at work and perceived organizational support.This research aims to study the relationship between perceived organizational support and motivation, by verifying the validity of six hypotheses. In five of these, a positive correlation is assumed between perceived organizational support and identification-regulated motivation, material extrinsic motivation, social extrinsic motivation, introjection-regulated motivation, and intrinsic motivation. A hypothesis was also verified in which the existence of a negativecorrelation between perceived organizational support and motivation is assumed. In order to obtain the data necessary for the research, we applied to a sample of 51 subjects, the Scale of perceived organizational support and the Multidimensional Scale of motivation at work. The interpretation of the results was done with the help of the SPSS program. I believe that such research is useful both at the organizational level and at the macro level, as an x-ray of the relationship between employees and employers, in a field of activity or in the economy of a state. By identifying the existing situation, social and economic policies can be formulated and applied to regulate the relationship between the two parties, so that it is mutually beneficial.

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