
The purpose of this research is, determine the relationship between teachers organizational justice perceptions and job satisfaction levels, at the primary school. This is a survey research.Fatih providence of the city of Istanbul has been specified as the target population of the study and totally 314 teacher‘s data has been examined within the scope of the research by reaching the 55 grade school in the providence. In the research, Organizational Justice Scale, which was developed by Niehoff and Moorman (1993) is used for specifying the Organizational Justice Level in the grade schools and Education Manager‘s Job Satisfaction Level Survey which is developed by Balci (1985) is used for specifying for Teacher‘s Justice Scale. During analizing of the data; descriptive statistical methods; aritmethic average (), standart deviation (s), per cent (%), paramethric analysis; t-test and one-way analisis of variance (ANOVA), post hoc Turkey, pearson corelation analysis are used. According to the findings of the research; in the direction of opinions of the teachers in the target population, organizational justice ‘often’ perceived fair. Teachers' perceptions of organizational justice is the highest size of the interactional justice. Teachers' job satisfactions ‘moderately agree’ level. It is determined that teachers job satisfaction level is the most in term of interpersonal, the least in term of wage. There is a positive, mid level (average) and significant relation between organizational justice and job satisfaction. Organizational justice perceptions doesn‘t differ accordingly the variaces; sex, marital status, professional seniority and age.Organizational justice perception shows any difference among the duration of working at the same school. Job satisfaction shows any difference among age, marital status and proffesional seniority however; doesn’t show the duration of working at the same school and sex variance. x

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