Objectives: This study aimed to reveal the multiple factors that are related to the work-relat - ed musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) of shipbuilding workers, and to elucidate the relation - ship between musculoskeletal symptoms and factors such as the change of working conditions, job stress and physical workload. M e t h o d s: The study sample comprised 1,059 shipbuilding workers. A structured-question- naire was used to assess the general characteristics, job stress, psychosocial well-being index (PWI), physical workload, change of working conditions and information concerning muscu- loskeletal symptoms. We estimated the relations of job stress, physical workload and intensity of labour to musculoskeletal symptoms using univariate and multiple logistic regression analy - ses. Results: The symptom prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in any part of the body was 89.5% by 'criteria 1'in the order of back (58.6%) and shoulder (56.3%). After adjustment for sociodemographic factors, posture factor (Odds ratio (OR)=1.06, 95% confidence interval ( C I ) = 1 . 0 0~1.12), non-posture factor (OR=1.17, CI=1.05~1.31), Borg scale (OR=1.15, C I = 1 . 0 0~1.32), relative work intensity increase (OR=1.92, CI=1.08~3.41), labor flexibility increase (OR=2.04, CI=1.04~4.01), high job demand (OR=2.68, CI=1.48~4.88), and high risk stress group (OR=13.50, CI=3.15~57.97) were all found to be significantly associated
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