
The aim of this study is to consider the relationship between leadership styles and physical education teacherscreativity. The statistical sample included 160 physical education administrators and physical education teachers and research questionnaire was leadership style (Leadership style assessment questionnaire) and the creativity questionnaires (Randsepp). Results showed that the average leadership style score 127/9 (maximum possible score of 200). Average score for male and female physical education teachers' leadership style were / 129 /76 and 126/2 , respectively. Amongst the leadership style indices, the average male and female physical education teachers' perception of pragmatic leadership were 25/48 and 25/3(40). The maximum possible score for transforma ƟŽŶĂů leadership was 160 of which the average perception of male and female teachers were 104/28 and 100/9 respectively. Hypothesis test results showed that the correlation between leadership style and creativity was significant (0.56). This result confirms the theoretical underpinnings of the research in which leadership style acts as a facilitator and stimulator of the direct and indirect effects on people's creativity.

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