
Hardiness is described as a trait of personality that individuals whose have it avoid of comfort and security daily work and seek progress and development. Moreover they are interested in challenging with new conflict. Hardy personality includes of 3 related but distinctive components which are commitment, control and challenge. Time perspective refers to the ways in which an individual views his/her past, present and future. This construct is an unconscious cognitive structure that a person implements in the time of decision making about short term or long term goals and actions and includes past (positive or negative), present (hedonistic or fatalistic), and future time perspective. The main purpose of the present research was to investigate the relationship between hardiness and time perspective in a sample of Iranian students. A total of 372 students (114 boys, 258 girls) were participated in this study as volunteers. They were asked to complete The Hardiness Scale (Bartone, Ursano, Wright & Ingraham, 1989; Janda, 2001) and Zimbardo Time perspective Inventory (ZTPI-15, in press). Results showed significant positive correlation between challenging and positive past time perspective (r=.21), and future time perspective (r=.25). The results also revealed significant positive correlation of control with negative past time perspective (r=.18), and present fatalistic (r=.19), and significant positive correlation of commitment with present fatalistic (r=.15), and negative past (r=.11). Based on the results of the present study, it can be concluded that individuals with hardy personality have more positive time perspective.

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