
AbstractMultifractal modeling is a mathematical method for the separation of a high potential mineralized background from a non‐mineralized background. The Concentration‐Distance to Fault structures (C‐DF) fractal model and the distribution of the known iron (Fe) deposits/mines seen in the Esfordi and Behabad 1:100,000 sheets from the Bafq region of central Iran are used to distinguish Fe mineralization based on their distance to magnetic basement structures and surface faults, separately, using airborne geophysical data and field surveys. Application of the C‐DF fractal model for the classification of Fe mineralizations in the Esfordi and Behabad areas reveals that the main ones show a correlation with their distance from magnetic basement structures. Accordingly, the distances of Fe mineralizations with grades of Fe higher than 55% (43% < Fe ≤ 60%) are located at a distance of less than 1 km, whereas for surfacial faults with grades of 43% ≤ Fe ≤ 60%, the distances are 3162< DF ≤ 4365 m from the faults. Thus, there is a positive relationship between Fe mineralization and magnetic basement structures. Also, the proximity evidence of Precambrian high‐grade Fe mineralization related to magnetic basement structures indicates syn‐rifting tectonic events. Finally, this C‐DF fractal model can be used for exploration of magmatic and hydrothermal ore deposits.

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