
This study examined the relationship between citizens' perception of government transparency and economic development in Thika Town Sub-County, Kiambu County, Kenya. The data collected on the first objective are explained in this section. Financial constraints were found to hinder citizens' ability and willingness to access resource allocation information, limiting their capacity to travel to county offices, access the internet, or purchase materials containing the relevant information. Despite this, respondents agreed to a great extent that the county government is transparent about how funds are spent in different sectors (mean = 3.7597, std. deviation = 0.69095), that the process for county resource allocation is clearly communicated to citizens (mean = 3.5581, std. deviation = 0.83128), and that information about how resources are allocated is easily accessible to the public (mean = 3.5116, std. deviation = 0.91101). The study’s third objective was to assess whether openness and transparency of the county's contracting and procurement practices influence economic development in Thika Town Sub-County in Kiambu County, Kenya. The findings were as follows. Concerning openness and transparency of county contracting and procurement practices, 63% of respondents indicated that information about county contracts and procurements is private, while 22% said it is available, and 15% were unsure. The majority of respondents (61%) indicated that the county's contracting and procurement processes are somewhat transparent, while 24% said they are very transparent, and 15% said they are not transparent at all. Even when information on county contracts and procurements is available, it may not be easily accessible due to bureaucratic hurdles, outdated or incomplete online resources, and the need for personal visits to county offices. Despite these challenges, respondents greatly agreed that the procurement and tendering process is open and transparent (mean = 3.7907, std. deviation = 0.78735), that increased transparency in contracting/procurement has benefited local businesses (mean = 3.7054, std. deviation = 0.80314), and that award criteria and selection methods are clearly defined and available (mean = 3.6419, std. deviation = 0.93763). The study concludes that while efforts exist to promote transparency in resource allocation, there are still gaps in the adequacy and accessibility of information. Financial constraints can be a barrier to citizens' engagement with government processes and access to information, potentially hindering their ability to hold the government accountable and contribute to economic development. The study concludes that addressing financial barriers and improving the accessibility and comprehensibility of resource allocation information could enhance citizens' participation and, consequently, economic development. The findings provide valuable insights for policymakers, civil society organizations, and citizens in Thika Town Sub-County and beyond, highlighting the need for a comprehensive and balanced approach to transparency reforms that prioritizes both information disclosure and citizen empowerment. The study concludes that by addressing the identified challenges and strengthening transparency and participation mechanisms, local governments can create a more conducive environment for sustainable economic growth and improve the lives of their citizens.

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