
The level of physical fitness can affect the problem of deficiency and overnutrition in students. This needs to be tested using the Body Mass Index (BMI) to monitor nutrition simply. This study aims to determine the relationship between the Body Mass Index and the level of physical fitness of students of Class XII (twelve) State High School 16 Cities of Bekasi. The study uses the Correlation Descriptive Method, and data collection techniques using Measurement of Body Mass Index and Student Physical Fitness, the study design used is the correlation of two variables. The population in this study was 320 students, taking a sample of 32 students. To test the probability of the correlation coefficient X against Y which indicates that t counts = -2,805 < t table = -2.042 that Ho is rejected, Ha is received with the correlation coefficient r = -0,455 which means moderate and significant (P < 0,05) the direction of influence is negative where the smaller the Body Mass Index the greater the Physical Fitness Level. It can be concluded that there is a meaningful relationship between the Body Mass Index and the Physical Fitness Level, that is the Moderate Correlation Level. It can be information for teachers to strive to improve the level of physical fitness of students by giving the motivation to exercise on a routine and giving physical exercise to improve physical fitness, because if only the status of the student is good but does not do physical exercises then the student's fitness will not improve.

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