
Background: The severity and mortality by COVID-19 vary among countries. This may be related to the underlying immunity. Response to the vaccine effect is immunologically related to several factors like vaccination, infestation with parasites and nutrition. Socioeconomic status is an important factor in health problems.Objectives: The purpose of the study is to understand the effect of the BCG scar size and the socioeconomic status as indicators of underlying immunity on the severity and mortality of COVID-19 patients.Method: A comparative study of PCR-confirmed COVID-19 patients were done in Basrah, Teaching Hospital. The patients were divided into two groups: Severe and mild to moderate cases. All confirmed cases during April and May 2020 in Basrah Teaching Hospital were included. The BCG scar size and socioeconomic status were studied and related to the severity and mortality of COVID-19 cases.Results: Patients who had small BCG scar size and high socioeconomic status were significantly associated with higher severity and mortality due to COVID-19 infection.Conclusion: BCG scar size and socioeconomic class can be used as good indicators for immune response against infection and the extent of their severity and mortality.

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