Objective To explore the relationship among psychological flexibility, coping style and job burnout of nurses. Methods A total of 694 nurses from one district level grade A tertiary general hospital in Yunnan were assessed using acceptance and action questionnaire 2nd edition (AAQ-Ⅱ), simplified coping style questionnaire (SCSQ) and nursing burnout scale(NBS). The relationship among psychological flexibility, coping style and job burnout of nurses was analyzed using structural equation model and Bootstrap test. Results (1)Correlation analysis showed that the total scores of AAQ-Ⅱ(21.81±8.23), job burnout(22.71±6.60) and its three dimensions including emotional exhaustion(8.93±2.87), depersonalization(6.64±2.30)as well as reduced personal accomplishment(7.14±2.52) were positively correlated with negative coping dimension of coping style (10.86±4.99) (r=0.324-0.510, all P<0.01), while negatively correlated with positive coping dimension(26.44±5.86) (r=-0.102--0.143, all P<0.01). (2) Structural equation model analysis showed that positive and negative coping dimension had partial mediating effects on the relationship between psychological flexibility and job burnout(χ2/df=2.30, GFI=0.91, AGFI=0.90, NFI=0.90, IFI=0.93, TLI=0.92, CFI=0.93, RMSEA=0.04). (3) Bootstrap test showed that the mediating effect sizes for positive and negative coping were 3.8% and 8.9% respectively and totally mediating effect size of coping style was 12.7%. Psychological flexibility had much larger effects on job burnout, and the direct effect size was 87.3%. Conclusion Coping style plays a mediating role in the relationship between psychological flexibility and job burnout, but its effect is less important. Psychological flexibility plays a major role and more directly influences on job burnout. Key words: Nurses; Psychological flexibility; Coping style; Job burnout
Published Version
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