
A number of studies on digestion of the ruminants have shown the process of synthesis of all the essential amino acids in the rumen (Abu Fadel, 2004; Trukhachev, V., Zlidnev, N. 2008). However, according to some researches, microbial protein is deficient in methionine and lysine. This assumption also proves the need for further study of the influence of balanced amino acids to these diets on the growth, development and productive performance of the ruminants. Scientific approbation of the issues related to establishing the requirements of young sheep in lysine and methionine with cystine and development of recommendations for their proper balance in animal rations have been conducted along with a series of physiological, scientific and practical experiments. For this purpose, we used the following research methods: preparative, analytical, measuring and calculating. Zootechnical evaluation of young sheep’s diet with different levels of lysine and methionine with cysteine has been conducted, and influence of these components on growth, development, metabolism, the use of amino acids and wool productivity have been studied. The importance of studying the content of amino acids in plasma is evident because they are the indicators of protein metabolism in the animals’ organism and represent themselves the exchange fund when used in the biochemical transformations in the process of updating the protein of the body tissues and the synthesis of animal products. Increase in young sheep’s diet of lysine and methionine can improve their productivity, reduce the cost of feed energy and improve biochemical indexes of meat, taking into account the optimization of its amino acid composition. Efficiency increase of young sheep during the process of the individual development is linked to conditions of feeding and in particular the usefulness of a protein food, which is primarily determined by sufficient intake of essential amino acids - lysine and methionine with cystine. Thus, the inclusion in the diet of growing young sheep some amount of synthetic amino acids – 6–8 grams of lysine and 3–4 g of methionine per 1 fodder unit, enhances oxidation-reduction processes, increase productivity, i.e. wool yield and other indicators. The content of free amino acids in plasma directly depends on their availability in feed. The use of synthetic amino acids (lysine, methionine and cystine) contributed to the increase of their content in a free state in the blood serum, indicating their increased demand in sheep. With the use of different doses of synthetic amino acids (lysine, methionine, cystine) in the diets of young sheep it has been found that the organization of optimum conditions of feeding, care and management of sheep in winter season help to avoid abrupt changes in the structure of the skin, to ensure the normal development of the histological structure and morphogenetic processes.)

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