
Background: Prior studies have supported that waist circumference correlates with abdominal (central) obesity, and values higher than normal are associated with increased prevalence of hypertension. . Objective: To evaluate the association of waist circumference with increased prevalence of hypertension among population in Kirkuk city. Materials and Methods: Across-sectional study was conducted comprising 300 male and female, their ages ranged from 20-72 years with an average mean of 53 year from Kirkuk city. The waist circumference was measured in centimeters, together with other data designed in the data sheet for this study, hypertensive people were identified and recorded. Patients who had coexisted Diabetes Mellitus and hypertension were excluded from the study. Results: The total number of females was 218, out of them, 176(80.7%) had increased waist circumference, this included 74(42%) hypertensive, compared with 42(19.2%) women with normal waist circumference and included 6(14.2%) hypertensive. (P < 0.05). Out of 82 males, 46(56%) had increased waist circumference (>102cm), this included 17(37%) hypertensive; compared with 36(44%) with normal waist circumference, which included 7(19.4%) hypertensive. P. value ˂0.001 Waist circumference was positively correlated with hypertension Conclusions: Increasing waist circumference was significantly associated with increased prevalence of hypertension, reduction in the occurrence of hypertension in male and female can be achieved if the waist circumference is decreased in these populations.

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