
The paper analyzes the control-supervisory and administrative practices of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Field of Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor of Russia) in relation to the activities of educational institutions of higher education. In the context of the review of verification measures, the paper provides an assessment of the current level, as well as the prospects for the effectiveness of the implementation of the regulatory concept of deregulation and reducing the administrative burden on controlled entities within the framework of the conceptual (main) provisions of the administrative reform. It is concluded that control and supervision activities in the field of education should be consistent with the principle of encouraging conscientious compliance by educational organizations with mandatory requirements. When forming the practice of sustainable conscientious behavior by educational organizations within the framework of their statutory activities, Rosobrnadzor has the opportunity to use incentive measures for such entities aimed at solving the tasks of ensuring the socioeconomic development of individual territories without reducing the quality of educational services provided by them.

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