
DNA methylation has crucial roles in regulating the expression of genes involved in skeletal muscle development. However, the DNA methylation pattern of lncRNA during sheep skeletal muscle development remains unclear. This study investigated previous WGBS and LncRNA data in skeletal muscle of sheep (fetus and adult). We then focused on LncRNA GTL2, which is differentially expressed in skeletal muscle and has multiple DMRs. We found that the expression level of GTL2 decreased with age. GTL2 DMRs methylation levels were significantly higher in adult muscle than in fetal muscle. After 5AZA treatment, GTL2 expression was significantly increased in a dose-dependent manner.The dCas9-DNMT3A-sgRNA significantly reduced the expression level of GTL2 in cells, but increased GTL2 DMR methylation levels. The above studies indicate that dCas9-DNMT3A can effectively increase the methylation level in the DMR region of GTL2, the expression level of GTL2 is regulated by DNA methylation during muscle development.

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