
1. The Evolution and Regulation of Security Interests Over Personal Property in English Law, John De Lacy 2. Pressured By The Paradigm: The Law Commission and Company Security Interests, Gerard Mccormack 3. A Canadian Academic's Reactions to the Law Commission's Proposals, Jacob Ziegel 4. What is Wrong with the Law of Security? Richard Calnan 5. Exceptions to the Nemo Dat Rule in Relation to Goods and the Law Commission's Proposals in the Consultative Report, Louise Gullifer 6. Securities Collateral, Joanna Benjamin 7. Security Over Moveables in Scots Law, George Gretton 8. Security Interests in Intellectual Property, Jacqueline Lipton 9. Technology-Based Small Firms and the Commodification of Intellectual Property Rights, Iwan Davies 10. The New Zealand Personal Property Securities Act 1999, David Brown 11. Personal Property Security Law Reform In Australia: History, Influences, Themes and the Future, Simon Fisher 12. Personal Property Security Interests In Singapore, Yock Lin Tan 13. Basic Issues of European Rules on Security in Movables, Ulrich Drobnig 14. Key Policy Issues of the Uncitral Draft Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions, Spiros Bazinas

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