
Overpopulation and deficient management of the worlds coastlines have seriously degraded beaches and coastal dunes, which are environments that provide valuable ecosystem services to society. The need to restore these ecosystems is increasingly urgent; however, this is a complex task since variables that differ widely (i.e. ecological, geomorphological and socio-economic) must all be taken into consideration. The present study proposes an index in the form of a weighted checklist named the “ReDune” Index (Restoration of coastal Dunes). This index allows decision makers and non-specialized professionals with some level of understanding of coastal dynamics to decide whether coastal dunes (foredunes) require and can be restored. Furthermore, in cases where more than one coastal dune system is to be evaluated, the index can distinguish which are in the most urgent need of restoration. The index consists of four sections: the first evaluates the degree of perturbation. The second determines the presence of endogenous and exogenous stress factors that may compromise the long-term stability of the restoration. The third section is focused on highlighting the abiotic and biotic elements that may facilitate restoration. Finally, the fourth section contributes to the identification of interests related to the conservation of the site and the provision of ecosystem services. The index was tested on 31 locations along the Gulf of Mexico, with differing sedimentary, ecological and human pressure characteristics and clearly distinguished between locations where restoration is urgent from those where it is not. This index can be applied on any foredune.

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