
The rediscovery of Nothoscordum modestum (Amaryllidaceae) helps to understand the subordination of Beauverdia in Nothoscordum Nothoscordum modestum presents intermediate morphological characteristics between the genera Nothoscordum and Beauverdia. This species was known only by the type; however, new populations were found and during the analysis of specimens in loco it was evidenced that the taxon has flowers long pedicellate, morphological characteristic common in Nothoscordum; on the other hand, the scapes are curved at fruit maturity. The species is close related to N. Marchesii, N. Ostenii, N. setaceum and N. vittatum, and the main morphological differences between N. modestum and these species are commented. A list of species of Nothoscordum with one or two-flowered inflorescence is presented. As Beauverdia cannot be maintained as segregated from Nothoscordum, it is necessary to propose the new combination Nothoscordum hirtellum subsp. glabratum.

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