
I explore a set contradictions crucial to Durkheim's work, that revolve around the issue whether modern society (i.e., industrial capitalism) is structured according to the principle individual mobility or the principle caste. Specifically, I analyze Durkheim's theories race, class, and sex to determine if they describe modern society in terms individuals or in terms castes. I find that Durkheim has both a dominant and a subordinate theory for each category. I also find that his theories race and class differ significantly from his theories sex. Durkheim's dominant theories race and class and his subordinate theory sex are theories individuals in modern society. Conversely, his dominant theory sex and his subordinate theories race and class are theories castes in modern society. I view Durkheim's social theory as a quintessential construction modernity, and I view Durkheim as a quintessential liberal of sorts. I conclude that the contradictions at the heart Durkheim's social theory are contradictions at the heart modern society--and at the heart liberal ideology.

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