<p class="a"><span lang="IN">The purpose of this reseach is to determine Public Knowledge and Custom Toward The Division of Inheritance According to Islamic Law in </span><span lang="EN-US">Banjarsari Village,</span><span lang="IN">District of Cipocok Jaya, Serang City, Banten, Indonesia</span><span lang="EN-US">which in terms of </span><span lang="IN">respondents </span><span lang="EN-US">demographics is gender respondents. The</span><span lang="IN">research</span><span lang="EN-US">was conducted using a quantitative approach with descriptive and inferential methods, inferential methods using correlation analysis, T-test, and multiple regression analysis.</span><span lang="IN">The research data c</span><span lang="EN-US">ollecti</span><span lang="IN">on is using </span><span lang="EN-US">instrument</span><span lang="IN">question</span><span lang="EN-US">with Likert scale questions. The objects in this research are the people whom are around the </span><span lang="IN">Village</span><span lang="EN-US">Office Banjarsari, District Cipocok Jaya</span><span lang="IN">, </span><span lang="EN-US">Serang</span><span lang="IN">City, </span><span lang="EN-US">Banten</span><span lang="IN">, Indonesia</span><span lang="EN-US">. Based on t</span><span lang="EN-US">he results of research noted that general knowledge and customary inheritance in the community has the highest value it found a relationship between common knowledge and customary with inheritance division according to Islam. For that need the continuous efforts of the relevant parties (scholars, community leaders, and government) to provide insight and guidance as well as a clear idea of the inheritance division based on the teachings of the Islamic religion.</span></p>
Inheritance, is the treasure was given by deceased person to the closest such as family and relatives
The strength of multivariate correlation between the public knowledge variables and custom variables with inheritance division gained a correlation coefficient R = 0.853. These results prove that the public knowledge variable and custom related to the inheritance division
According to the research results, it is can be concluded that the level of public knowledge, custom and inheritance division are in the good level, it proved that the people with high knowledge, uphold the custom in the social life, and know about the inheritance division, are the people with good knowledge about Islamic law
Inheritance, is the treasure was given by deceased person to the closest such as family and relatives. The inheritance division in Islam has been clearly set out in an al quran, that is on An Nisa. Allah with all mercy, has provided a guidance in directing people in terms of the inheritance division. The majority of this country converted to Islam, and Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world, but does not mean the inheritance law was obeyed well by Muslims. Inheritance laws become one of religion characteristic is violated by the Moslems themselves. Not a few people in every year alternating for hajj, but not exactly how to divide the inheritance, because it may be considered of inheritance matters has nothing to do with religion. One of the mistaked is to divide the inheritance with traditional practices that are contrary to Mawaris law. Islamic law has regulated the procedure for the division of the inheritance, this division has become become a part of Islamic community life, the division is without fraut and losses for various parties to get the inheritance
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