
It is shown that the absorption correction f(χ) is dependent on two parameters: the mean depth which essentially determines the correction for f(χ)>0·8 and which accounts for variations with incident beam energy, and a shape function that is a function of overvoltage ratio and the mean atomic number of the specimen. The commonly used modified Philibert correction represents the mean depth reasonably well but has a very inadequate shape function.The general effect of the shape function can be demonstrated conveniently by the behaviour of the ratio f(χ)/fsq(χ) where fsq(χ) is the absorption correction predicted by a square model for the depth distribution of ionization. For many practical purposes the overvoltage variation of the shape function can be neglected, but there is always a substantial atomic number dependence in the range 0·05<f(χ)<0·5.Although there are not sufficient consistent experimental data available on which to base an accurate absorption correction covering the full range of f(χ), possible forms for such a correction procedure are discussed. A simple expression for use in the case of high absorption, f(χ)<0·2, is proposed.

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