
The features of Russia is the low population density on huge, poorly developed lands in terms of production. About 20 million people live in the territory where there is no centralized power supply, power supply is organized on generating systems running on imported fuel. (Research purpose) The research purpose is in studying the prospects for the development of microgrids based on the use of alternative energy generating systems of renewable energy sources using a micro-gas turbine plant as the base generator, which is the source of the reference voltage of microgrid based on single-wire resonant distribution networks of a new generation in Russia. (Materials and methods) The article presents the prospects for the development of microgrids based on material taken from open sources. Authors applied the methods of scientific analysis of events, facts, materials, and conclusions. (Results and discussions) The article shows that the world energy system evolutionarily enters a new fourth stage of fundamental transformation, called the "Energy Transition". The creation of microgrids based on renewable energy sources with a basic micro-gas turbine unit and single-wire resonant distribution networks of a new generation is an indisputable proof of this energy transition. (Conclusions) In many countries of the world, there is an increase in the share of distributed generation based on renewable energy sources, the introduction of new centralized generation capacities is reduced, investments in the construction of large power plants and new high-voltage transmission lines are reduced due to the development of distributed generation. Distributed generation contributes to the rapid expansion of electricity production without the need for additional development of the power grid infrastructure.

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