
AbstractVarious problems related to the propagation of small amplitude long waves on the surface of superfluid helium (helium II), usually called third sound, are studied on the basis of the appropriate governing equations. The two-fluid continuum model due to Landau is considered, with the effects of healing and relaxation incorporated, and viscosity, heat conduction and compressibility terms retained. The helium vapour is treated as a classical (Newtonian) compressible gas and the exact jump conditions across the liquid/vapour interface are employed. These liquid, vapour and jump equations constitute the exact problem although, in an effort to reduce the complexity of the equations, a simplified set of ‘model’ surface boundaiy conditions is also introduced. This full set of equations is non-dimensionalised taking care that all physical parameters are defined using only the undisturbed depth of the layer as the appropriate length scale. The ratio depth/wave-lenght (δ) is then a separate parameter as is the wave amplitude/depth ratio (ɛ). The limit which corresponds to the wave under discussion is then ɛ, δ → 0 with all the other parameters fixed.A number of analyses are presented, four of which describe various aspects of the linearised theory and two examine the nature of the far-field nonlinear problem. Using the simplified surface boundary conditions we discuss in turn: the wave motion in the absence of healing: the rôle of a second wave speed leading to a wave hierarchy; and the effects of healing. The final linearised problem makes use of the full vapour model, but again the healing terms are ignored. This latter analysis suggests that if the upper boundary of the vapour is sufficiently close to the liquid surface then third sound is suppressed.The complexity of the equations, particularly when the nonlinear terms are to be examined, is such that the incompressible limit is now taken in the absence of both healing and relaxation. Imposing the physically realistic limiting process (ɛ, δ → 0) we show that the only equation valid in the far-field is the Burgers equation. However, we also demonstrate that allowing the other parameters to be functions of e (which is not physically realisable in practice) it is easy to derive, for example, the Korteweg-de Vries equation.

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