
The vegetation of the saline soils (Solonceacuri, Soloneturi and Solodii) in Romania is represented by permanent grasslands and occupies approximately 300,000 hectares from the Black Sea coast to some low plains with groundwater on the surface. Habitat 1310, Salicornia and other annuals colonizing mud and sand represented by the Salicornion prostratae alliance, has a pastoral value (PV) of 3.9 and green mass production (GMP) of barely 0.36 t/ha and Habitat 1410, Mediterranean salt meadows ( Juncetalia maritimi) with 5.5 PV and 0.45 t/ha GMP, both are assessed as degraded form forage quality point of view. Habitat 1530, Pannonic salt-steppes and salt marshes comprises 5 alliances (Cypero-Spergularion, Puccinellion limosae, Junciongerardii, Beckmanione ruciformis and Festucion pseudovinae) with 30.9 PV and 3.85 t/ha GMP, which allows an optimal loading of 0.37 LU/ha in 160 days, 10 times higher than at H 1310 and H 1410. Respecting the optimal grazing capacity is necessary to preserve the biodiversity of these grasslands.

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