
The purpose of the article is to characterise the road transport of abnormal loads and theprocess of obtaining an abnormal transportation clearance as well as to present a method of supportingtransport organisation. The authors undertook to characterise road transport of abnormal loads inlight of Polish conditions. The current legal environment in Poland, foreign and domestic literaturewere used in the research for analysis. The planning process for transport of abnormal load with theanalysis of requirements specified was performed in a practical manner. In addition, the successivesteps of this process were included on a structured algorithm, showing the steps taken in the researchmethodology. A detailed analysis showed the complexity of abnormal road transport and the challengesit faces. The experience conducted shows that the process of obtaining an abnormal transportationclearance is time-consuming and involves many institutions working together. An analysis of therequirements for abnormal transport shows the process areas that are bottlenecks. Focusing effortson their proper organisation can ensure safe preparation of transport and effective management ofthe entire transportation process. The experience conducted to obtain an abnormal transportationclearance allows us to learn and understand this process, which can be a kind of signpost for thoseorganising such transport without the necessary knowledge. The authors conducted an experiment,applying for a hypothetical abnormal transportation clearance to the General Directorate of NationalRoads and Motorways.Keywords: abnormal transport, road transport, organisation of transport, transport management

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