
The article focuses on the importance of improving the effectiveness of foreign students’ listening skills formation at the initial stages of learning Russian as a foreign language. The author outlines the stages of work and its tasks, the groups of exercises and test tools, which are topical for listening skills training of the specified contingent of students with the help of information and communication technologies. The ways to overcome the difficulties of using multimedia educational programs as a training complex for teaching listening skills in accordance with specific requirements of this type of teaching aids and the general requirements of teaching materials for listening have been considered. The author states that non-native language proficiency is the most important means of obtaining the professional education for foreign students. The significance of the use of information and communication technologies as the newest means of increasing the efficiency of the educational process as well as its individual subsystems including language training have been determined in the article. Different aspects of teaching listening as a type of speech activity in scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists have been analyzed. The performance of listening skills improvement is possible through the systematic analysis of problems caused by non-compliance with linguodidactic requirements for the compilation of training materials for teaching listening skills to foreign students at initial stage of learning a non-native language. The article deals with specific requirements for educational materials compiled with the help of information and communication technologies, among which are multimedia, interactivity, nonlinearity and others are the most important ones. The article discusses the ways of combining two separate groups of requirements for the combination of this type of teaching aids. The author analyzes the experience of development of multimedia educational programs for teaching listening to the foreign students at the initial stages of learning Russian as a foreign language based on the adapted texts.


  • У статті звернено увагу на значущість підвищення ефективності формування вмінь аудіювання в іноземних студентів початкового етапу вивчення мови навчання

  • The author outlines the stages of work and its tasks, the groups of exercises and test tools, which are topical for listening skills training of the specified contingent of students with the help of information and communication technologies

  • The ways to overcome the difficulties of using multimedia educational programs as a training complex for teaching listening skills in accordance with specific requirements of this type of teaching aids and the general requirements of teaching materials for listening have been considered

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У статті звернено увагу на значущість підвищення ефективності формування вмінь аудіювання в іноземних студентів початкового етапу вивчення мови навчання. Необхідність усного сприйняття лекційного матеріалу, усних повідомлень на практичних заняттях та в позааудиторний час, необхідність реагування та надання інформації на різноманітні усні запити визначають важливість сформованості вмінь аудіювання як виду мовленнєвої діяльності та декларують пошуки шляхів ефективного навчання. Навчання мовленнєвої діяльності та аудіювання як її виду висвітлюється науковцями з різних сторін.

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